Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Begin Again

This post could also be titled, "Back to the Drawing Board," as I am feeling the frustration all mothers feel at not having the time to do all that we'd like to do. This past October when I was on a women's retreat at our parish, I was reading an excellent little book, The Way, by the Spanish priest and saint, Jose Maria Escriva. That is where I got "begin again," it is an exhortation from him, and it is inspired by Him who is merciful forgiveness.

I think we need to pull in and check up on our priorities when we feel overwhelmed. Are we, in this order: first, a disciple of Christ, second, a "dream" wife to our husband, and third, a loving mother to our children. All this must be lived at once, which is a tricky business. I wish I could express this better, but here goes: I am both an idealist and a realist. All this means that I think we should dream big, while, at the same time, be gentle and forgiving with ourselves and others (this is the realist part).

That's all for now as I am off to pray, do some math and fold some (and put away!) laundry.

Thank you Lord Jesus for unending new beginnings. You are the Word made flesh and you lift us up every time we fall. Please put Your Holy Desires on our hearts!


Rachel said...

Very nice! You know your little prayer at the end makes me think of my favorite verse in O'Come Let Us Adore Him and it is this:
Word of the Father now in Flesh appearing!: Gives me goosebumps.
Autumn and I are watching Disney's Jungle Book. It is taking me way back to when Andy was just 2. I know this movie by heart and the memories it is flooding me with are making me misty-eyed. He is such man now. I miss my little Andy.

Leonie said...

I fimd it helps me to remember that God gives me all the time I need to do what I nned to do. Anything else is not the most important thing right now!