Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Zinc melts really boost the immune system!

I have a rheumatic condition, which is really a "constellation of ailments," including fibromyalgia, erratic immune function and migraine. Our rheumatologist labeled me as MCTD ("Mixed Connective Tissue Disease") which I laughingly dubbed WOTD ("Worn-Out Tissue Disease"--we all get there some day, maybe it's better sooner than later...) Well, anyway, my hubby brought home a nasty cold last Friday, and he and I both took sublingual zinc tablets -- I bought them at Walgreens: they are called zinc cold therapy "QUICK MELTS" -- and, they work!

I experienced a complete endocrine meltdown in 2001-2002 -- I was hypothyroid to a deadly level , with complete adrenal insufficieny.... not a good combination... and... it felt even worse than it sounds.

While I believe whole foods, in general, pack better, and more sustained, nutrition than vitamin pills and powders. Certain pills and powders work better than others, like these zinc melts, and also Peter Gillhams' various magnesium products.

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