Monday, January 12, 2009

God's Baptism

One of the many things my children have "taught" me is that Jesus is God. I do not think a child could ever be a heretic. Many years ago, when my husband and I hung our lovely pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in our dining room, I pointed up to our Lord, and asked my little son who He was -- his simple reply, "God". Yesterday's Mass celebrated God's Baptism, and we were visitors over at St. Benedicts, where we were blessed to hear what everyone needs to hear, the depth of God's love and mercy. His grace is sufficient to allow us the courage to start every day afresh. Normal life is so saturated with sin and guilt. Supernatural life is not just the opposite of this because it varies according to our willingness to participate in it (if that makes sense). I took this lovely image from EWTN's website.

1 comment:

Willa said...

My kids are just the same. It isn't difficult for them at all.