Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mending the Nets

We had such a good day; we really settled in and enjoyed each other and our studies. The sun is setting here in Georgia; and, even after two cups of coffee and two cups of tea, I am tired and achy. The title of today's post is from this coming Sunday's Gospel, which I read aloud for everyone today after our Morning Offering and before reading the saint from the Pauline series. Jay did "Medievel Battle Math", and we put it in his notebook. Joy-Beth and I put her "BIRTHDAY" acrostic poem in one of her notebooks, she looked up words in the dictionary, she finished a Calculadders sheet. Maggie did K-12 and more science. JB and J and I had an interesting time learning about the French and Indian War. We are really trying to journey our way to the "War Between the States." The girls cleaned their rooms and little man cleaned the family room. We are on target for "Friday Floors". My way of "mending the nets" before going out for another "catch" tomorrow is to jot down some learning notes:

*shoot for reading the upcoming Sunday Gospel with the children every Wed. morning (Thurs or Fri would work)

*do more acrostic poetry and poetry copywork for our notebooks

*make Jay's family fun with Faith notebook

*beef up Joy-Beth's math

*talk to Maggie about tidal learning and encourage her to "swim" with us more in the high tide

*plan an American History tea party for some friends: red, white and blue plus President's Day

*don't forget Classical Music for Kids that I bought through Adoremus

*look in "A Continual Feast" and "A Year with God" for some Lenten inspiration

*do not overshedule our weeks (today's blessed quiet time -- and, all the learning that went on -- was the fruit of having less to do this past three days, not more)

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